What is Partial Class,
Advantage of Partial class,
How maintain application better,
designer class in asp.net,
business code file in web app,
partial keyword,
source file,
partial class relation with assembly or DLL,
access Specifiers relation with partial,
inheritance in partial class,
abstraction in partial class,
sealed partial class,
private partial class
What is Enumeration in C#,
Why we use enums,
Using properties,
use inbuilt Enumerations,
creating numeric list,
Enumerated list in c#,
foreach loop,
Enum Class Methods,
GetNames Function,
GetValues Function,
Extract values from Enums,
Print enum values various ways,
Looping enum values using enum,
Conversion of enums,
Parsing of enums,
parse method of enums,
Change data type of enums,
change index position of enums,
Legel data types enum indexing,
all about enums
What is Enumeration in C#,
Why we use enums,
Using properties,
use inbuilt Enumerations,
creating numeric list,
Enumerated list in c#,
foreach loop,
Enum Class Methods,
GetNames Function,
GetValues Function,
Extract values from Enumeration,
Print enum values from various ways,
Looping of enum values using enum loop,
Conversion of enums,
Parsing of enums,
parse method of enums,
Change data type of enums,
change index position of enums,
Legel data types for enum indexing,
all about enums
What are interfaces,
Why we use it,
The members interfaces have,
How to create object of interface,
access specifiers relation with them,
Inheritance relation with interfaces,
How to create function in interface,
why we create function in interface,
what is the mean of undefine function in interface,
Expilicitly call interface,
if two interfaces have same name function how to implement them,
What are interfaces,
Why we use it,
The members interfaces have,
How to create object of interface,
access specifiers relation with them,
Inheritance relation with interfaces,
How to create function in interface,
why we create function in interface,
what is the mean of undefine function in interface,
Expilicitly call interface,
if two interfaces have same name function how to implement them,