Position, Wrap, Text, Bring Forward , Send Backward, Selection Pane, Align, Group and Ungroup, Rotate, Size, Crop, Sizing, Adjust, Remove, Background, Collections, Color Artistic Effects, Compress , Picture, Change Picture, Reset Picture, Pages, Cover Page, Blank Page, Page Break, Tables, Illustrations, Picture, Online Picture, Picture, Picture, Formating, Picture Styles, Picture Border, Picture Effets, Picture Layout, Arrange
Paragraph, Bullets & Numbering, Multilevel List, List Order, Ascending & Descending, Indenting, Alignment, Styles, Editing, Find, Replace, Goto,
Microsoft Products, What is MS Word, MS Word Interface, Cut, Copy, Paste, Format Painter Font, Case Changing, Font increasing & Decreasing, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough, Subscript, Superscript, Coloring to fonts & Background, Remove Formatting,
What is Exception, difference between compile & Runtime time error, Exception Swallowing using Try catch & Finally, Exception Classes SystemException, ApplicationException, IndexOutOfRangeException, ArrayTypeMismatchException, NullReferenceException, DivideByZeroException, InvalidCastException, OutOfMemoryException, StackOverflowException, Use of throw, Creating Custom or User Defined Exceptions
What is Exception, difference between compile & Runtime time error, Exception Swallowing using Try catch & Finally, Exception Classes SystemException, ApplicationException, IndexOutOfRangeException, ArrayTypeMismatchException, NullReferenceException, DivideByZeroException, InvalidCastException, OutOfMemoryException, StackOverflowException, Use of throw, Creating Custom or User Defined Exceptions, IOException class,What is Exception Handling Abuse and how Prevent them
What is Exception,
difference between compile & Runtime time error,
Exception Swallowing using Try catch & Finally,
Exception Classes SystemException,
Use of throw,
Creating Custom or User Defined Exceptions,
IOException class,
What is Exception Handling Abuse and how Prevent them
What is inheritance,
Inheritance a Pillar of OOPS,
Why is inheritance,
Advantage of inheritance,
Code Reuse,
Less Error Prompting,
Increase Code Manageability,
inheritance with example,
Comparisons with other platforms,
Multiple & Multilevel Inheritance,
Base keyword,
Role of access modifiers in Inheritance
Access Specifiers,
data type,
data members,
Difference between types & Members,
public Access Modifiers,
private Access Modifiers,
Internal Access Modifiers,
Protected Access Modifiers,
Protected Internal Access Specifiers,
what is .exe,
what is .dll,
what is Assembly,
types are Assemblies,
.dll for Web App & Class Lib,
.exe for Desktop App,
Derived type object,
Base keyword, this keyword